Toenail Fungus Specialist

Tobin C Gallawa, DPM, FACFAS

Board Certified Podiatrist located in Sacramento, CA

Toenail fungus is common but can be challenging to treat. If over-the-counter antifungal ointments fail to alleviate your toenail fungus or your toenail fungus has affected the look and health of your toenail, board-certified podiatrist Tobin C. Gallawa, DPM, FACFAS, can provide the expert care you need to clear up your infection. To schedule an appointment, call the practice of Tobin C. Gallawa DPM FACFAS, located in Sacramento, California today.

Toenail Fungus Q&A

What is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus is a type of fungal infection that affects the appearance and health of your toenail. The fungus may enter your nail through a break in the skin or crack in the nail, which thrives in a warm, moist environment.

Anyone can develop toenail fungus; however, older adults are at greater risk. You may also be at risk if you have diabetes, a weakened immune system, or poor circulation. 

What are toenail fungus symptoms?

Toenail fungus infections affect the look and structure of your nail. Symptoms include:

  • White, brown, or yellow discoloration
  • Nail thickening
  • Distortion in the shape of your nail
  • Brittle or ragged edges
  • Mild odor

Your toenail fungus may affect one toe or several toes. 

Though you may be able to treat your toenail fungus with over-the-counter medication, if your infection doesn’t improve or causes pain, contact Dr. Gallawa to schedule an evaluation. You also benefit from an appointment with an experienced podiatrist if you have diabetes, poor circulation, or a weakened immune system.

What can I expect during a toenail fungus evaluation?

Dr. Gallawa is an experienced podiatrist, and you can expect a comprehensive evaluation when you come to the office seeking help for your toenail infection. During your exam, he reviews your symptoms and medical history then evaluates your feet and toenails. Dr. Gallawa may also take a nail clipping to determine the type of fungus responsible for your infection.

After your evaluation, Dr. Gallawa discusses the details of your diagnosis and your treatment options so you can make an informed decision on how you want to proceed.

How is toenail fungus treated?

Dr. Gallawa develops personalized treatment plans for the toenail fungus based on the severity of your infection and the underlying cause. Initially, he takes a conservative approach and may recommend topical antifungal ointments, as well as oral antifungal medication. To improve the effectiveness of your treatment, he may debride the surface of your infected toenail to thin it out.

If conservative measures fail to clear up your toenail fungus or your infection is severe and painful, Dr. Gallawa may suggest procedures to temporarily or permanently remove your toenail. 

For the treatment of your toenail infection, call the office of Tobin C. Gallawa DPM FACFAS today.